Very sad news for our school community
It is with deep sadness that I share the news of the death of Dr Alan Preston who has served the school as Chairperson to the Board of Governors for the past 20 years.
Dr Preston was a genuinely kind and generous person who we all held in high esteem.
He supported the school in all our endeavors, attending and speaking at special events such as Prize Days, School Performances.
In his time as chairperson of the Governors he led well over 100 Governors meetings. I am sure the Governors would agree that he approached every meeting with just the right balance of business to be dealt with and some craic to be had.
He supported school principals with many difficult and important decisions for the school and embraced all the many changes seen for the school over the past 20 years.
He sat on endless recruitment panels, Infact, the majority of the current staff would have been recruited on his recommendation. He dealt with numerous concerns raised by parents, always with an open and fair mind.
He tirelessly advocated for school resources and raised questions and concerns with relevant authorities and agencies on behalf of the school when he felt we were not getting the support we needed.
At the heart of all his work he has always held the children and young people at the centre, curious about all their endeavours and proud of all their achievements.
We will all sincerely miss Alan and will hold him dear in our hearts and memories.
Our thoughts and condolences lie with his family at this very difficult time.