2019/2020 School Year
31st Jan 2020
We had great fun this week learning about Chinese New Year. We particularly enjoyed...
30th Jan 2020
Today, students from The Zone and some Key Stage 3 classes were given a talk about...
29th Jan 2020
As a reward for filling the Pebble Pot with good tales, 8W had a French breakfast...
27th Jan 2020
Just a reminder to any parents of our year 7 and 8 pupils who have made an expression...
26th Jan 2020
Come also this Friday (31st January) to our Shared Education Coffee Morning. It...
24th Jan 2020
Today Year 3 visited Kelly’s class in Hill Croft to continue their shared...
24th Jan 2020
This class really enjoyed their Daily Mile walk. When they got back to the classroom...
22nd Jan 2020
Year 1/2 visited Loughshore for a play this morning. It was lovely to be out...