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News - Parents and friends

2019/2020 School Year

4th Jun 2020
AWARE is delighted to announce the launch of our fourth video in our series of mental...
18th May 2020
I emailed students in my literacy classes a few weeks ago to tell them about a challenge,...
15th May 2020
Students and staff at Rosstulla celebrated the 75th anniversary of VE Day in style....
15th May 2020
A student from 8W took up the weekly challenge by building a model out of Lego....
7th May 2020
A girl in 8W has coloured this lovely message and will be displaying it proudly...
5th May 2020
I know you have received lots of e-safety resources - but these are also...
4th May 2020
Hi there parents and carers - here are some more resources that you may...
4th May 2020
This Friday will be VE Day. This is the day we celebrate victory in Europe, which...
28th Apr 2020
We know at the minute it’s hard for you to access services and support, so...